Hugh has a broad experience in all aspects of the delivery of affordable housing having worked in the development teams at Registered providers and in consultancy for over twenty years. He has re-joined Quod having previously worked here between 2010 and 2014.
His expertise spans projects of single unit schemes through to 4,000 units and focusses on clearly understanding how plan policy interacts with the delivery stage of a consent. This ensures he can provide confident and robust advice on how to best formulate a package of plan led affordable housing into something which really works on site for developers and providers.
He mixes work early in the planning process such as guiding plan policy representation and CIL formation work with application specific roles running planning application advice including viability modelling, preparing affordable housing statements and managing negotiations with Councils including advising on S106 content. Post consent he can provide detailed transaction advice associated with selecting and contracting with registered providers.
Outside work Hugh is married with two daughters and likes to get out on his bicycle or head off to a motorbike track day with his modified Ducati.